“I keep telling you to stay away from that water. you don’t watch out, that river man will get you. and once he gets you, you don’t come back.”

A group of people who live in a place that is green and has warm summers. They live along a river that winds through the green, almost as though the river and the people who live upon it are a single organism.

“that river man” pulls people down into the water, people he wants. To be taken by the river man is different than drowning. Drowning is seen as a loss and is sad/mourned/grieved. To be taken by the river man is just a part of life that we all have to contend with. Almost as though your aunt moved to a different state and you don’t get to see her anymore.

Who is chosen is selective, based off of the whims of said river man. There doesn’t seem to be any criteria around gender or role, it’s whoever the river man fancies.

But what if you could escape away from wherever the river man takes you. What if you could go back and forth btwn the two locations.

What if you could give the river man hell.