Wednesday night started out at the beach. We were either on a small island, or were close to some sort of peninsula, as there was ocean on at least three sides of where we were staying. There was a small house that we were using, though I never saw the interior of it. Most of the night was spent wandering around this place, but I’m not sure what exactly the goal was?

There was one part of the beach that had a large outcropping of rocks where some sort of structure was built. I can’t tell if it was some kind of life guard station, or perhaps a restaurant. Down below the beach was covered in smaller rocks and crabs that apparently dig holes for themselves. They’d often lift their claws up to grab at things that moved over the holes above them. It was a little weird.

I was following 3 or 4 people at this point as we walked down the beach towards the point of the peninsula. As you got closer to the point, the beach disappeared and nothing but dark rocks were left. There was one point later when I was going back down to that area and saw grey and white ducks. I believe I had a dog with me that wanted to go after them, but I stopped him.

There was something else I did after this. But I forget what it was now. Leaving a space here in case I Remember it later.


Last night was a little weird. I was with a group of people, and we were kind of… all over the place. There was a small town that reminds me of a faded old photo that we were in for a while. Then I was going somewhere else on some kind of high tech plane or other contraption. It reminded me of being scouted out by someone with a lot of money. And that someone asked me to do something for them, and so we were being transported to wherever they wanted us. For whatever reason, my brain registers it as like racing or something.

There is one section where I am traveling through these small tubes or chutes. It’s very industrial high tech looking, and I have no clue wtf was going on. Just that I was rolling through these things, possibly on my way to wherever I needed to do work. I remember towards the end talking with someone that registered as BOH, so possibly E. Too bad I have forgotten most of the specifics.

I am good at forgetting.